These are answers to “frequently asked questions” by iPad Media Campers in past sessions and for upcoming sessions.

Who should attend iPad Media Camp workshops?
Answer: iPad Media Camp workshops are geared specifically to K-12 classroom teachers. College/university faculty can also benefit from the workshop’s focus on iPad-based multimedia products students can create to demonstrate what they know and can do. Some years camp sessions are designated for teachers in specific grade levels. Summer 2015 sessions are geared toward all PK-20 educators, and are not grade/content-area specific.


What payment methods do you accept?
Answer: Participants may pay online via credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Additionally, school purchase orders and school checks are accepted. More information and instructions are available if paying “offline” by school PO or check.

Who should checks/POs be made payable to?
Answer: This answer sometimes depends on the session.  Generally, payments should be sent to:

Speed of Creativity Learning LLC
Attention: Wesley Fryer
12316A N. May Ave Ste #127
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

A W-9 for Speed of Creativity Learning LLC is available. (PDF)

During past iPad Media Camp sessions, “narrated slideshows” answering participant questions have been shared. These are available in this YouTube playlist, and embedded on the FAQs page of the iPad Media Camp curriculum website.

2 thoughts on “FAQs

  1. I have offered credit in the past through Baker University for iPad Media Camps offered at K-State. I’ll check into the options for offering credit at the Olathe iPad Media Camp. Thanks for your question.

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