
Workshop Philosophy

The educational philosophy of iPad Media Camp is hands-on, project-based learning. As an iPad Media Camper you will be a full-time student in a blended, digital classroom. In addition to learning specific media creation strategies with iPads, participants will also learn a variety of techniques for facilitating student media projects and managing student learning in a 1:1 environment. The schedule each day is:

  • 8:30 – 9:00 am Registration and Refreshments
  • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Morning Session
  • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
  • 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Afternoon Session

Apps we’ll use and explore during camp are linked on the apps page of

Day 1: Narrated Art, Visual Notetaking and Narrated Slideshows

Learn how to create and share narrated art projects, visual notes, and narrated slideshows using an iPad including recorded audio synchronized to selected photographs or images. We’ll view different examples of student-created narrated slideshows using the iPad and review effective processes for facilitating student narrated slideshows. iPad Applications for creating narrated slideshows we will explore include Voice Record ProForge, Adobe Voice, and Explain Everything. Additional resources included on the Narrated Art, Visual Notetaking, and Narrated SlideShow/Screencast pages of “Show What You Know With Media” ( will be shared.

Day 2: Quick Edit and Green Screen Videography

Learn to shoot, edit, and publish a video on an iPad in a fraction of the time this process takes with a laptop computer and “traditional” video gear! Participants will learn how to:

  • Use the iPad video camera to effectively record “no edit” and “quick edit” videos
  • Techniques for trimming and combining quick edit videos using the YouTube Capture app
  • Use the Green Screen by Do Ink app to record Green Screen effect videos
  • Insert text annotations and transitions into quick edit videos using the iMovie app
  • Publish videos to YouTube using the YouTube Capture app
  • How to successfully facilitate student-created iPad videos

Prepare to have fun and unleash a wealth of creative ideas on your students during and following this session! Additional resources included on the “Quick Edit Video” page of “Show What You Know With Media” ( will be shared.

Day 3: Interactive Writing and eBooks

Every classroom needs an online space for moderated, interactive, digital writing. Participants will learn how to setup, use and moderate content on a classroom blog to improve student writing skills. A moderated classroom blog is the ideal platform to use to share announcements, classroom news, and student work for a public audience. In this workshop we’ll learn to use the free blogging platform Blogger, which permits moderated student posting by emailWe’ll learn how to create enhanced/multimedia eBooks including digital text, hyperlinks, images, and embedded videos using the iPad. We will primarily use Book Creator for iPad. Additional resources included on the “Interactive Writing” and “eBook” pages of “Show What You Know With Media” ( will be shared.