Apps (Summer 2016)

This is an archived version of the Apps page for iPad Media Camp from Summer 2015. The current version is also available.

Pre-Camp To Do’s

  1. All participants should buy / download / install the following REQUIRED apps in advance of camp. As of June 2015 there are FIFTEEN required apps and TWO eBOOKS. 12 are free, 3 are paid. Some optional apps are also listed. (This list may still be slightly revised prior to your specific workshop dates.)
  2. Update your iPad’s software and all your installed apps.
  3. Bring your iTunes account userID and password so you can install new apps / install updates if desired.

Apps Required for All 3 Days

  1. i-nigma (free)
  2. QR Beamer (free – iPhone app)
  3. Instashare (free)

Apps for Day 1: Narrated Art, Visual Notetaking and Narrated Slideshows

  1. Pic Collage for Kids (free)
  2. Voice Record Pro (free)
  3. Adobe Voice (free)
  4. Explain Everything ($3)

Apps for Day 2: Quick Edit and Green Screen Videography

  1. Forge (free) or Brushes 3 (free – works on iOS 7)
  2. Youtube Capture (free)
  3. Green Screen by Do Ink ($3)
  4. iMovie ($5 – free with new iPads)

Apps/iBooks for Day 3: Interactive Writing and eBooks

  1. iBooks (free)
  2. Book Creator ($5 – free version limited to just 1 book)
  3. Dropbox (free)
  4. Our Batak House (free eBook)
  5. Inside Outside Project (free eBook)

Other recommended (but not required) educational iPad apps include:

  1. Haiku Deck (free)
  2. Easy Blogger ($3)
  3. Skitch (free)
  4. YAKit Kids (free – iPhone app)
  5. YouTube Creator Studio (free)
  6. PromptSmart Pro ($10) or iPrompt Pro (free)
  7. Shadow Puppet EDU (free)
  8. PhotoSync ($2 for photo & video transfer)
  9. Chirp (free)

Other recommended, educational iPad resources include:

  1. Show What You Know with Media (ShowWith
  2. Tony Vincent’s iPad app resources (
  3. (iPad productivity apps)
  4. TechChef4u (includes free iOS app)
  5. iEAR (i Education Apps Review)
  6. Apps for Gifted and High Ability Learners (LiveBinder from Ginger Lumen)
  7. Appy Hours 4 U (podcast)
  8. Apps for HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Recommended Project Based Learning resources include:

  1. Buck Institute for Education: Project Based Learning for the 21st Century
  2. Project Based Learning Resources from EduTopia

More iPad resources are available on the iPad Media Camp Curriculum Resources page, as well as the iPad Media Camp FAQs page.